I went and created a first tutorial for making alternate history maps with QGIS. Because that document I asked people to comment on was 99 pages and people thought that was really long, I'm making at least two tutorial videos out of it. That's the first one and it covers making a basemap project from which you can use as a starting point for future maps. The next video will be on adding your own content (i.e. drawing your own countries) as new layers and exporting to either a PNG image for posting online or to a SVG for further editing in Inkscape, but if it goes longer than ~15 minutes it will be parts two and three.
Nice contribution, looking forward to the rest of the series. Also, unfortunately it is difficult to see the text when using the dark color background option. It looks fine on the light though. Just thought you might want to know.
Changed. I didn't realize that when I copied the text from elsewhere that it would also copy the colour/style.